在这项工作中,我们提出了一种神经方法,用于重建描述层次相互作用的生根树图,使用新颖的表示,我们将其称为最低的共同祖先世代(LCAG)矩阵。这种紧凑的配方等效于邻接矩阵,但是如果直接使用邻接矩阵,则可以单独从叶子中学习树的结构,而无需先前的假设。因此,采用LCAG启用了第一个端到端的可训练解决方案,该解决方案仅使用末端树叶直接学习不同树大小的层次结构。在高能量粒子物理学的情况下,粒子衰减形成了分层树结构,只能通过实验观察到最终产物,并且可能的树的大型组合空间使分析溶液变得很棘手。我们证明了LCAG用作使用变压器编码器和神经关系编码器编码器图神经网络的模拟粒子物理衰减结构的任务。采用这种方法,我们能够正确预测LCAG纯粹是从叶子特征中的LCAG,最大树深度为$ 8 $ in $ 92.5 \%\%的树木箱子,最高$ 6 $叶子(包括)和$ 59.7 \%\%\%\%的树木$在我们的模拟数据集中$ 10 $。
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In recent years, reinforcement learning (RL) has become increasingly successful in its application to science and the process of scientific discovery in general. However, while RL algorithms learn to solve increasingly complex problems, interpreting the solutions they provide becomes ever more challenging. In this work, we gain insights into an RL agent's learned behavior through a post-hoc analysis based on sequence mining and clustering. Specifically, frequent and compact subroutines, used by the agent to solve a given task, are distilled as gadgets and then grouped by various metrics. This process of gadget discovery develops in three stages: First, we use an RL agent to generate data, then, we employ a mining algorithm to extract gadgets and finally, the obtained gadgets are grouped by a density-based clustering algorithm. We demonstrate our method by applying it to two quantum-inspired RL environments. First, we consider simulated quantum optics experiments for the design of high-dimensional multipartite entangled states where the algorithm finds gadgets that correspond to modern interferometer setups. Second, we consider a circuit-based quantum computing environment where the algorithm discovers various gadgets for quantum information processing, such as quantum teleportation. This approach for analyzing the policy of a learned agent is agent and environment agnostic and can yield interesting insights into any agent's policy.
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Generating realistic 3D worlds occupied by moving humans has many applications in games, architecture, and synthetic data creation. But generating such scenes is expensive and labor intensive. Recent work generates human poses and motions given a 3D scene. Here, we take the opposite approach and generate 3D indoor scenes given 3D human motion. Such motions can come from archival motion capture or from IMU sensors worn on the body, effectively turning human movement in a "scanner" of the 3D world. Intuitively, human movement indicates the free-space in a room and human contact indicates surfaces or objects that support activities such as sitting, lying or touching. We propose MIME (Mining Interaction and Movement to infer 3D Environments), which is a generative model of indoor scenes that produces furniture layouts that are consistent with the human movement. MIME uses an auto-regressive transformer architecture that takes the already generated objects in the scene as well as the human motion as input, and outputs the next plausible object. To train MIME, we build a dataset by populating the 3D FRONT scene dataset with 3D humans. Our experiments show that MIME produces more diverse and plausible 3D scenes than a recent generative scene method that does not know about human movement. Code and data will be available for research at https://mime.is.tue.mpg.de.
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The field of cybersecurity is evolving fast. Experts need to be informed about past, current and - in the best case - upcoming threats, because attacks are becoming more advanced, targets bigger and systems more complex. As this cannot be addressed manually, cybersecurity experts need to rely on machine learning techniques. In the texutual domain, pre-trained language models like BERT have shown to be helpful, by providing a good baseline for further fine-tuning. However, due to the domain-knowledge and many technical terms in cybersecurity general language models might miss the gist of textual information, hence doing more harm than good. For this reason, we create a high-quality dataset and present a language model specifically tailored to the cybersecurity domain, which can serve as a basic building block for cybersecurity systems that deal with natural language. The model is compared with other models based on 15 different domain-dependent extrinsic and intrinsic tasks as well as general tasks from the SuperGLUE benchmark. On the one hand, the results of the intrinsic tasks show that our model improves the internal representation space of words compared to the other models. On the other hand, the extrinsic, domain-dependent tasks, consisting of sequence tagging and classification, show that the model is best in specific application scenarios, in contrast to the others. Furthermore, we show that our approach against catastrophic forgetting works, as the model is able to retrieve the previously trained domain-independent knowledge. The used dataset and trained model are made publicly available
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Motivation: The size of available omics datasets is steadily increasing with technological advancement in recent years. While this increase in sample size can be used to improve the performance of relevant prediction tasks in healthcare, models that are optimized for large datasets usually operate as black boxes. In high stakes scenarios, like healthcare, using a black-box model poses safety and security issues. Without an explanation about molecular factors and phenotypes that affected the prediction, healthcare providers are left with no choice but to blindly trust the models. We propose a new type of artificial neural networks, named Convolutional Omics Kernel Networks (COmic). By combining convolutional kernel networks with pathway-induced kernels, our method enables robust and interpretable end-to-end learning on omics datasets ranging in size from a few hundred to several hundreds of thousands of samples. Furthermore, COmic can be easily adapted to utilize multi-omics data. Results: We evaluate the performance capabilities of COmic on six different breast cancer cohorts. Additionally, we train COmic models on multi-omics data using the METABRIC cohort. Our models perform either better or similar to competitors on both tasks. We show how the use of pathway-induced Laplacian kernels opens the black-box nature of neural networks and results in intrinsically interpretable models that eliminate the need for \textit{post-hoc} explanation models.
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Multiple instance learning exhibits a powerful approach for whole slide image-based diagnosis in the absence of pixel- or patch-level annotations. In spite of the huge size of hole slide images, the number of individual slides is often rather small, leading to a small number of labeled samples. To improve training, we propose and investigate different data augmentation strategies for multiple instance learning based on the idea of linear interpolations of feature vectors (known as MixUp). Based on state-of-the-art multiple instance learning architectures and two thyroid cancer data sets, an exhaustive study is conducted considering a range of common data augmentation strategies. Whereas a strategy based on to the original MixUp approach showed decreases in accuracy, the use of a novel intra-slide interpolation method led to consistent increases in accuracy.
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The goal of algorithmic recourse is to reverse unfavorable decisions (e.g., from loan denial to approval) under automated decision making by suggesting actionable feature changes (e.g., reduce the number of credit cards). To generate low-cost recourse the majority of methods work under the assumption that the features are independently manipulable (IMF). To address the feature dependency issue the recourse problem is usually studied through the causal recourse paradigm. However, it is well known that strong assumptions, as encoded in causal models and structural equations, hinder the applicability of these methods in complex domains where causal dependency structures are ambiguous. In this work, we develop \texttt{DEAR} (DisEntangling Algorithmic Recourse), a novel and practical recourse framework that bridges the gap between the IMF and the strong causal assumptions. \texttt{DEAR} generates recourses by disentangling the latent representation of co-varying features from a subset of promising recourse features to capture the main practical recourse desiderata. Our experiments on real-world data corroborate our theoretically motivated recourse model and highlight our framework's ability to provide reliable, low-cost recourse in the presence of feature dependencies.
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随着系统变得更大,更复杂,从开源的收集网络威胁智能对于维持和实现高水平的安全性变得越来越重要。但是,这些开源通常会受到信息过载的约束。因此,应用机器学习模型将信息量凝结到必要的内容很有用。然而,以前的研究和应用表明,由于其概括能力低,现有的分类器无法提取有关新兴网络安全事件的特定信息。因此,我们建议通过为每个新事件培训新的分类器来克服这个问题的系统。由于这需要使用标准培训方法进行大量标记的数据,因此我们结合了三种不同的低数据制度技术 - 转移学习,数据增强和很少的学习学习 - 从很少的标记实例中培训高质量的分类器。我们使用从2021年的Microsoft Exchange Server数据泄露中得出的新型数据集评估了我们的方法,该数据集由三名专家标记。与标准训练方法相比,与标准训练方法相比,与标准训练方法相比,F1得分的增加超过21分,与几次学习中的最新方法相比,F1得分的增加超过18分。此外,经过此方法培训的分类器和32个实例的分类器仅比接受1800个实例的分类器少于5 F1分数。
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